·LCCI 2011 Medallion Award Ceremony
2012/5/24 Click the following link for Press ReleaseClick the following links for photos:
·Administrative Professionals Congress
2012/4/28 Upcoming 26 April, we have a special event for all the secretaries and administrators - Administrative Professionals Congress 2012.Come and join this one-day congress and grapsh an...
·EDI UK April updates
2012/4/27 Click the following link April 2012 updates
·MALAYSIA SPM Principles of Accounting Double Certification Project 2011
2012/3/15 LCCI International Qualifications in collaboration with the Ministry of Education Malaysia are delighted to announce that students who meet the requirements in SPM Principles of Ac...
·MOU between LCCI and Human Resource Ministry of Malaysia
2012/2/13 LCCI inked MoU with a department(Skill Development) in Ministry of Human Resource, Malaysia to work hand in hand producing the talent. Click following link for some photos of the e...
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